NOZZLE Enhances Information Security Standards with ISO 27001 Certification

NOZZLE Enhances Information Security Standards with ISO 27001 Certification


We are excited to share a significant development with you, esteemed members of the NOZZLE community. Our company has recently achieved ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certification, reinforcing our commitment to information security. This prestigious certification underscores our dedication to safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your information assets.

What is ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 is an international standard that empowers organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an information security management system. It addresses critical areas such as the protection of information assets, effective management of information security risks, and the security of customer data, including ship management software.

The Role of Internal and External Audits

To successfully attain the ISO 27001 certification, we conducted comprehensive internal and external audits. Internal audits were carried out by our in-house experts, evaluating the compliance of our existing processes and procedures, including ship management software, with ISO 27001 standards. External audits were conducted by an independent auditing firm, providing an unbiased assessment of our information security management system, including the security of ship management software. The results of these audits confirmed our commitment to information security and compliance with the standards.


At NOZZLE, we reaffirm our dedication to information security and the protection of customer data, including ship management software, with the ISO 27001 certification. This certification reflects our ongoing efforts to provide you with a more secure business environment. We are always here to address your questions and welcome your feedback. We look forward to continuing our collaboration.

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