Fast reporting and technical analysis with NOZZLE


It is very important for the ship management to get the report and analysis results containing the details determined by the International Security Management (ISM) of the mineral oil, fuel, water, oily water, sewage, and incinerator samples taken from the ships. Providing this from a single screen is a software solution that increases speed for fleets.

You can monitor all processes through the NOZZLE technical management module and set the analysis frequency for each sample with automatic alerts. It is also possible not to miss the next analysis date on a single screen. Program your fast and reliable technical studies and solutions correctly. Do the technical analysis required for the International Safety Management Code just in time.

Don’t miss the next reporting date. Make the necessary technical controls on a single screen for the day and at any time. Simplify your fleet and ship management processes with digital and mobilized NOZZLE solutions.

Why NOZZLE Technical Management Module?

  •  Access all certificates on a single screen
  •  An interface with the option to monitor your certificates on time, indefinitely, at regular intervals
  •  Certificates obtained from external visits, field to add new certificates and update option.
  •  Option to be tracked both on the vessel and the company
  •  Option to fill and issue ANTBIs
  •  Ensuring the condition and technical control of the damaged, deteriorated, or rehabilitated areas on the ship
  •  The flow of daily technical work can be written in a basic way
  •  An interface where business is followed and mutual sharing is high
  •  Possibility to follow up on the works to be done regarding the revisions or arrangements made based on the fleet.
  • The workflow of technical works can be followed.

Customized Solution For The Technical Needs Of Ships

  • With NOZZLE;
  •  All technical details in ship management processes are on a single screen.
  •  Quick access to all technical work and required reports.
  •  Fast fleet and ship tracking software with digitalized technical management solutions.


Opportunities Of NOZZLE Technical Management Module

  • 01. Vessel Certificate

    It is the area where the certificates or classification certificates of every part on it, such as the registration certificate on each ship, are located. There is an area and tracking center with name certificates of the ship’s history.

  • 02. ANTBI

    The area that allows the PMS team to control and direct it, including the problems. Some problems can be solved in the shipyards, while others can be handled in the purchasing department or the ship’s technical team or company. ANTBI feature has been developed for this problem and solutions.

  • 03. Daily Work Reports

    The agenda is updated, and the daily technical workflow can be viewed and followed on a single screen.

  • 04. Follow Up

    The follow-up of the works to be done regarding the revisions or arrangements based on the fleet is done here. From here, things are followed and directed. It has a highly interactive interface.

Are you looking for a Customized Solution For The Technical Needs Of Ships?

+90 850 520 0259
  • What is Technical Management?

    Technical management involves managing a vessel's technical operations, including maintenance, repairs, safety, and regulatory compliance. It ensures that the vessel operates efficiently and safely and complies with all relevant regulations and standards. Complete ship management services typically include technical and vessel management, such as crewing, commercial, and financial management. A third-party ship management company typically provides these services to shipowners who wish to outsource the day-to-day management of their vessels.

  • Ship Technical Management Objectives

    The objectives of ship technical management typically include the following:

    Ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
    Maintaining the vessel's technical equipment to guarantee reliability and compliance with regulatory requirements.
    Minimizing downtime by proactively identifying and addressing technical issues.
    Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.
    Managing costs related to maintenance, repairs, and other technical activities.
    Developing and implementing maintenance plans and schedules.
    Providing technical expertise and support to crew members.
    Managing technical projects, such as upgrades or retrofits.
    Maintaining accurate records and documentation related to technical operations.
    Continuously improving the vessel's technical performance and efficiency.

  • Ship Technical Management Services

    Ship technical management services typically include:

    • Planned maintenance system (PMS) management includes developing and implementing a PMS for the vessel, scheduling and coordinating maintenance activities, and monitoring performance.
    • Technical inspections: This involves regular inspections of the vessel's machinery, equipment, and systems to identify any issues that need to be addressed.
    • Repair and maintenance: This includes coordinating repairs and maintenance activities, ensuring that necessary spare parts and equipment are available, and managing repair budgets.
    • Safety and regulatory compliance: This involves ensuring that the vessel complies with all relevant safety and environmental regulations, industry standards, and best practices.
    • Technical support: This includes providing technical expertise and support to crew members and training and development programs.
    • Project management: This includes managing technical projects, such as upgrades or retrofits, to ensure they are completed on time and within budget.
    • Budget and cost management: This involves developing and managing budgets for technical operations, monitoring costs, and identifying cost-saving opportunities.
    • Documentation and record keeping: This includes maintaining accurate records and documentation related to technical operations, including maintenance logs, inspection reports, and repair records.

    Overall, ship technical management services are designed to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the vessel while minimizing downtime and optimizing performance.

  • Reasons to operate with NOZZLE for your Ship Technical Needs NOZZLE is a reputable ship technical management company that offers a wide range of services to shipowners and operators. Here are some reasons to consider NOZZLE for your ship technical needs:
    1. Experience: NOZZLE has a team of experienced and knowledgeable technical professionals with many years of experience in the shipping industry. They have the expertise and skills to provide practical solutions to any technical challenges that may arise.
    2. Comprehensive services: NOZZLE offers a wide range of ship technical management services, including planned maintenance system (PMS) management, technical inspections, repair and maintenance, safety and regulatory compliance, technical support, project management, budget and cost management, and documentation and record-keeping.
    3. Advanced technology: NOZZLE uses advanced technology to manage and optimize technical operations, including proprietary software for PMS management, remote monitoring, and analysis tools to detect and address issues before they become significant problems.
    4. Proactive approach: NOZZLE takes a proactive approach to ship technical management, focusing on preventive maintenance and early detection of potential problems to minimize downtime and reduce costs.
    5. Customer-focused: NOZZLE is dedicated to providing the highest level of customer service, working closely with clients to understand their needs and develop customized solutions that meet their unique requirements.

    Overall, NOZZLE is a trusted and reliable partner for ship technical management, offering expertise, advanced technology, and a customer-focused approach to meet the technological needs of shipowners and operators.

Certificates & Class Type Approvals

Privacy Verified & Quality Validated in NOZZLE

Class Type Approval
by DNV

DNV certifies NOZZLE with Type Approval, meeting the requirements for the Machinery PMS.

Class Type Approval

ClassNK certifies NOZZLE, fulfilling the mandatory requirement for vessels using PMS.

Information Security

ISO 27001 certifies NOZZLE's establishment of the Information Security Management System.

Personel Information

ISO 27701 certificate implements, and improves the Personal Data Management System.