Why is Ship Management Software Needed?

Why is Ship Management Software Needed?


In order to look at why there is a need for software in Ship Management, it is necessary to look at ERP first. ERP is the general name given to integrated management software systems that enable the efficient use of resources such as labor, machinery, and materials required for the production of goods and services in enterprises. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are generally easy-to-use systems that try to bring together or help bring together all of a business’s data and operations. A classical ERP software uses various software and hardware of the computer to process. ERP systems basically create an integrated database where data that concerns many departments can be stored.

Enterprise resource planning is a system designed to combine all the resources of the enterprise and use it efficiently. Although the concept of ERP was first used in production environments; Today, ERP systems are pronounced in a much wider area. ERP systems can gather all the basic operations of the business under its own structure, regardless of the business area or name of a business. Businesses, nonprofits, foundations, governments, or other entities can use ERP systems.

Within an ERP software, there can be various applications such as production, finance, customer relationship management, human resources, stock management, which generally work independently.

Why is Ship Management Software Necessary for Ships or Fleets?

The purpose of ERP software; It is to gather the departments of an enterprise such as finance, human resources, production, sales, and marketing under a single software system and to ensure the joint data sharing of different departments. At the same time, it optimizes the way and model of the business of the enterprise. Therefore, it is indispensable for businesses. Ship and fleet companies are also large businesses. Software solutions or ERP for ships, which we can consider as a business in itself, are very important for the following reasons.

  • It Saves Time and Budget

ERP software combines the fragmented systems of ships. In this way, employees have the opportunity to access all the information necessary for their work from a single central system. Therefore, they use their time more efficiently. In addition, with ERP in ships or fleets, savings are also achieved by eliminating the need for users to receive training in many systems. This reduces the cost of training and minimizes logistical effort.

  • Simplifies Process Control with Data Communication, Control, and Synchronization

A central database is an integral part of ERP. With the database in question, it is possible to reduce human-induced errors, problems, delays, costs, and any hesitation or pause that may occur during projects. With ERP, business processes are completely interconnected. All units such as sales order, production, purchasing, stock, shipment, accounting can transfer work to each other in this system, and the management can monitor all these movements centrally. When we look at the ships, it is seen that especially these mentioned items are much more prominent. The importance of software enterprise resource planning on ships lies in providing solutions that will not leave room for human error.

  • Simplifies Reporting and Process Analysis

ERP software provides access to the desired information at any time with its central database, and in this context, it provides great convenience to the senior management in reporting and analyzing processes. The audit and analysis of the reporting processes to be made to the company, whether it is the raw material, cargo, or oil carried by the ships during their time at sea, means an extra workload. It’s not just the layout inside the ship. At the same time, it means the reports that must be taken simultaneously for the company to exist in a stable place.

  • Increases Employee Productivity

As tasks such as creating reports, monitoring inventory levels, monitoring timelines, and processing orders are automated with ship management software, the probability of employees making mistakes is reduced, increasing productivity and efficiency within the enterprise.

  • Offers Enhanced Inventory Tracking

Tracking and monitoring expanding inventory levels are one of the biggest challenges in large businesses. These tools help you keep track of stock levels in different warehouses, indicating which goods are in transit and which goods are on the shelves. In addition, increased warehouse visibility greatly improves picking, packing, and shipping, preventing all the guesswork from happening.